Former SGN gas works site in East Street, Epsom

Click here to see map for location of former SGN gas works site in East Street, Epsom (adjacent to Rainbow Leisure Centre)

24/01107/FUL Hybrid Planning Application for the phased redevelopment for a) full planning permission for the demolition of existing buildings and structures, site wide remediation and the erection of five residential buildings (ranging between 8-12 storeys), new access arrangements, parking, hard and soft landscaping, open space and other associated works and b) severable outline planning permission, with all matters reserved except access, for the separate development demolition and re-provision of a Performing Arts Centre and Education building, hard and soft landscaping and other associated works

This hybrid outline hybrid application aims to bring back into use the derelict former Southern Gas Networks site, an endeavour which the Society welcomes.

However, the current design cannot be supported for a variety of reasons, not least of which it does not represent the preferred option for the whole site recognised in the Town Centre Master Plan, on which the Society commented in December 2023 and which now forms part of the evidence base being presented to the Council’s Licensing and Planning Policy committee in November 2024. That preferred option seeks a proposal to develop the entire site for housing, including both the Majestic Warehouse and Hook Road Multi-Storey car park.

In addition, the Society’s objections to the proposal can be summarised as follows:-

  • The scheme as presented is too high, too dense and cramped for the size of the site being not well related to the adjoining residential areas which include the Adelphi Road and Lintons Lane Conservation Areas.
  • The particular disadvantages about Block C and its siting.
  • Views into the site from various public spaces around the town will be of significant harm and incongruous.
  • External amenity space is inadequate for the quantum of development and the housing mix which includes family units.
  • The larger (and formerly original) Gas works site (Option 1) would be better redeveloped as a whole rather than piecemeal as with this application.
  • The application is not acceptable as it stands.

See our letter here.