Former SGN gas works site in East Street, Epsom

Zenith Land proposal for 456 homes and new Laines HQ on SGN former gas works site in East Street

Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Consultation on implementation of plan-making reforms

The Society’s response to yet another HMG Planning Consultation

ECS Response to the Epsom & Ewell Draft Local Plan Consultation

ECS Response to EEBC Local Plan Consultation 2023

Epsom & Ewell Local Plan Consultation 2023

Local Plan Consultation Announcement and links

Consultation on EEBC Draft Planning Enforcement Plan July 2021

The Society has responded at length to the Borough Council’s consultation, which ran from 28th May to 9th July, on their Draft Enforcement Plan, which purports to set out the way the Borough proposes to deal with potential… Read More

Changes to NPPF and National Model Design Code – HMG Consultation

In their fourth planning consultation since August 2020, the Ministry for Housing Communities and Local Government launched a consultation on changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and a proposal for a new National Model Design Code… Read More

HMG Consultation – Supporting housing delivery and public service infrastructure

On 3 December 2020, the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government launched a consultation, ‘Supporting housing delivery and public service infrastructure’ seeking views on proposals for:- a new national permitted development right for the change of use… Read More

HMG Planning Consultation – “Planning for the future”

The second HMG Consultation published in August 2020, entitled “Planning for the Future” [sic – whatever else can you plan for?], proposes wholesale replacement of the existing Local Plan system, based on zoning available land in three categories,… Read More

HMG Consultation – “Changes to the current Planning System”

In August 2020, the Ministry for Housing Communities and Local Government launched a new consultation affecting the planning system in England entitled “Changes to the current Planning System”. The consultation set out 4 main proposals for measures intended… Read More

Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation

Request for views on the issues and options proposed by EEBC for updating the Local Plan for the period 2017 to 2032 in particular in the light of the Government’s revised planning policy for housing development