Brackenlee, Woodcote Side Epsom

Click here to see map for location of Brackenlee, Woodcote Side Epsom (incorrectly labelled by Google as Oakdene)

23/00457/FLH Detached outbuilding involving excavation of ground to create basement space and incorporating loft space to be used as a granny annex and recreation rooms.

This application is a variation of an application refused in 2022, but only by virtue of a modest reduction in height of the proposed ancillary building to the existing bungalow on the plot.

The Society believes that, due to its bulk and massing it cannot be considered “ancillary” to the existing property and is in any event inappropriate to its setting. There are other difficulties arising from the topology of the plot and the surrounding properties. Refusal of the application has therefore been requested.

See our letter here.