Click here to see map for location of 35 Alexandra Road Epsom .
21/01920/FUL Demolition of the existing dwellinghouse including associated hard landscaping and ancillary structures; construction of new building containing 7 no 2-bed flats and 2 no 2-bed maisonettes, associated hard and soft landscaping and new highways access point.
This application proposes demolition of a fine Edwardian house on a corner plot to be replaced by a four-storey block of flats with two attached “maisonettes” in the rear garden facing Ashdown Road.
The Society believes that this heritage building should be retained as the boundary between the flatted developments towards Epsom town centre and the more open-spaced buildings towards Epsom College, a locality worthy of consideration for Conservation Area status. Reservations about the proposed building itself include excessive height, bulk & massing and density, about which many local residents have already complained. Indeed the Society noted many similarities between this site and one in Dorking Road where demolition and redevelopment out of keeping with the locality was refused and refused again on appeal. The Society drew attention to these similarities and the Inspector’s comments in that appeal decision.
For all these reasons, refusal has been requested. See our letter here.
Posted: 27 January 2022 by ecs
35 Alexandra Road Epsom KT17 4DA
Click here to see map for location of 35 Alexandra Road Epsom .
21/01920/FUL Demolition of the existing dwellinghouse including associated hard landscaping and ancillary structures; construction of new building containing 7 no 2-bed flats and 2 no 2-bed maisonettes, associated hard and soft landscaping and new highways access point.
This application proposes demolition of a fine Edwardian house on a corner plot to be replaced by a four-storey block of flats with two attached “maisonettes” in the rear garden facing Ashdown Road.
The Society believes that this heritage building should be retained as the boundary between the flatted developments towards Epsom town centre and the more open-spaced buildings towards Epsom College, a locality worthy of consideration for Conservation Area status. Reservations about the proposed building itself include excessive height, bulk & massing and density, about which many local residents have already complained. Indeed the Society noted many similarities between this site and one in Dorking Road where demolition and redevelopment out of keeping with the locality was refused and refused again on appeal. The Society drew attention to these similarities and the Inspector’s comments in that appeal decision.
For all these reasons, refusal has been requested. See our letter here.
Category: Planning, Planning Applications
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