6-8 Chuters Grove, Epsom KT17 4AS

Click here to see map for location of 6-8 Chuters Grove, Epsom KT17 4AS.


Erection of 2 x 2 bedroom semi-detached houses with access from Dirdene Gardens.

This application and an earlier one (15/01133/FUL) are in effect extensions of the development of 168 East Street, although named in Chuters Grove. The first application, which has been approved, was for 2 semi-detached house in the gardens of 4-6 Chuters Grove, and the present one is for a further 2 semi-detached house in the gardens of Nos 6-8.

The Society considers that the present proposal takes this development too far into the existing residential area and would have an unacceptable impact on the privacy and amenities of the neighbours

We have therefore recommended refusal.

See our letter here.