20 Burghfield Epsom KT17 4ND

Click here to see map for location of 20 Burghfield Epsom .

21/00366/FLH Demolition of Link attached garage, construction of 2 storey side extension and front porch.

This application is for an over-large extension for its setting. In view of the short time remaining for comments, the Society’s response was by comment response on the EEBC planning website rather than by letter as usual. The text of our comments is set out in full below:-

Epsom Civic Society has reviewed this application and considered it relative to Planning Policy Documents of(1) Development Management Policies;(2) NPPF;(3) SPG for Householder extensions; and (4) Environmental Character Study.

The following comments are submitted:-

  1. The house extension is of greater bulk and not subordinate as required in design guide (SPG)
  2. Does not conform to the prevailing development typology including housing types and sizes (DM 10)
  3. The scale, massing, and size excessively detracts from the openness and space of the locality and being too close to adjoining No.19
  4. Building materials and detailing of elevations particular the change to white rendered walls being inappropriate
  5. Failing to achieve well-designed places as required by NPPF section 12
  6. Failing to function well in not adding to the overall quality of the area (NPPF 127)
  7. Not sympathetic to the local character and the built environment (NPPF 127)
  8. Not being visually attractive as a result of the designed architecture and layout (NPPF 127)
  9. The EEBC Environmental Character Study (an important planning tool) in section 39 specifically refers to Burghfield as having an open feel with buildings of a higher quality in terms of build, materials, individuality with a med-high townscape quality. It is considered to application would detract from this standing.

The Society requests that the application is refused.

on behalf of Epsom Civic Society,

Michael Arthur MBE. FCIOB. FCMI