Langley Bottom Farm, Langley Vale Road Epsom KT18 6AP

Click here to see map for location of Langley Bottom Farm House Langley Vale Road Epsom KT18 6AP

24/00568/FUL Two storey 4 bedroom detached dwelling with car port and associated landscaping following demolition of existing derelict farm house.

This application was refused in July 2024, but the applicant has appealed.

Accordingly, the Society has sent additional comments to the Planning Inspector, confirming our previous objection to the proposal. These are set out below.

“Epsom Civic Society (ECS) supports the decision by Epsom & Ewell Borough Council to refuse application 24/00568/FUL and therefore writes to oppose the appeal lodged by the applicant against that decision.

The application site is that of a former small single storey farm cottage of modest size. It has been derelict for decades such to an extent that vegetation and growth occurred overcoming the site and blended into a green space background.

The village of Langley Vale is a separate and distinct community growing up over the past centuries and surrounded by Green Belt. That Green Belt functions well and indeed is close to and aligns with an area of great landscape value. The appreciation of the swathe of Green Belt continuing from the close by Surrey Hills AONB to the South is particularly pleasing and prominent on travelling downhill towards the village with its vista of open land. Development as proposed would be an eyesore to that delight.

Given the long time ago that the application site was a modest farm workers cottage, vacated and became derelict and overgrown cannot support the case of now building a proposed substantial single dwelling of a size of 207m2 floor area and bulk of 834cu.m. It will cause harm and have a detrimental impact on the rural character.

Even if the case as we have suggested above is not supported as having a detrimental effect, surely the application must fail by being of exceptional size, bulk and mass over the former cottage as set out the the Borough’s Development Management Policy DM3 and contrary to that policy.

Accordingly, ECS objects to the appeal.”