Cottage St Ebba’s Farm, Hook Road, Epsom KT19 8QW

Click here to see map for location of Cottage St Ebbas Farm Hook Road Epsom

24/00420/FUL Single storey detached dwelling with associated parking and landscaping following demolition of existing dwelling

Using the “Comments” facility on the EEBC Planning website, the Society objected to the proposal as set out below:-

ECS considers two strands of objection about this application.

1. Bulk and Mass. The site is situated within the Green Belt, as such policy DM3 is relevant. The proposals are not compliant with this policy, indeed by a wide margin, with the new build being greatly in excess of the allowable increase in volume for a new building, and therefore fails.

2. Design. The design is bland, boxy and lacking architectural positive features. The locality is one of being of late 19th century/Edwardian farm buildings in a rural farm style setting thus providing a distinctive and characterful area with medium to steeply pitched roofs with attractive brick fenestration elevations and wooden roof features being the scene. The design fails to be in the ethos of the current “Build Better, Build Beautiful Commission” theme, which is something the Society seeks strongly to support for new buildings.

The proposed south elevation is akin to a continuous high boundary estate brick wall lacking any relief or features; that of the north elevation resembles a ground floor wall of a commercial swimming pool/leisure centre.

The existing building is described as a cottage, which is a long standing name associated with St Ebba’s Farm. The replacement building, within the Green Belt is a long way off this designation. In summary, a poor design and of excess size for this location.

Refusal is requested.