Cedar Lodge Headley Road Epsom KT18 6BH

Click here to see map for location of Cedar Lodge .

17/00441/FUL Demolition of the existing stables and the erection of a detached 2 bedroom bungalow, revised access and landscaping.


17/00442/FUL The erection of a block of four stables with revised access.

These two applications may be intended to respond to the refusal of the recent application (16/00404/FUL) to erect a bungalow on part of Cedar Lodge. It is apparently thought that by building 4 new loose boxes on the main site, it is possible to justify the removal of 16 boxes and the erection of the building of the bungalow on Green Belt land. The Society can see no such justification and believes the bungalow application should be refused on the same grounds as before.

Regarding the loose boxes application it is difficult to object to new accommodation for the horses, but the Society strongly objects to the use of this as an argument to support the development of the southern part of the site. The whole of the Cedar Lodge site should remain as a single equestrian unit.

See our letter here .