Change of use of space allocated within Block A on Ashley Road for medical centre or offices to create 8 additional flats at ground and first floors (4 x 1-bed, 4 x 2-bed). Proposal involves substitution of door with a window on the rear elevation at ground floor level.
Demolition of single-storey former office building and the erection of a part two/part three-storey building, accommodating 14 self-contained flats, with 20 associated surface and lower ground floor level car parking spaces
Outline application (All matters reserved) for erection of a detached bungalow.
Erection of one bedroomed bungalow following demolition of double garage accessed from Hamilton Close
Erection of 2×2 bed semi-detached houses with associated gardens, vehicular access and car parking.
Outline application (access) for the demolition of the existing dwelling and the erection of a new block of 10 self-contained flat units and associated parking.
Erection of 91 x 2, 3, 4 & 5 bedroom houses, associated vehicular and pedestrian access, landscaping, public park and play area.
Formation of a new vehicular and pedestrian entrance to Kings Lodge from Downside.
Posted: 29 November 2015 by ecs
The Royal Automobile Country Club, Old Barn Road, Epsom KT18 7EW
A major redevelopment of Woodcote Park, including partial demolition of and amendments/additions to Listed Buildings and addition of extensive new facilities and parking, together with two new residences in Green Belt land.