Wilsons Automobiles Ltd 101B East Street Epsom Surrey KT17 1EA

Demolition of existing car showroom and replacement with new car showroom – modification of approved design.

Dairy Crest Site Alexandra Road Epsom KT17 4BJ

Demolition of existing buildings on site. Redevelopment of site to provide a mixed use development comprising a retail foodstore with 6 residential units above, with associated car parking, landscaping and access arrangements.

Berridale 15 College Road Epsom KT17 4HQ

Demolition of existing detached building and erection of 10 new dwellings, vehicular and pedestrian access, parking and secure cycle storage and landscaping.

Trevi 33 Heathcote Road Epsom Surrey KT18 5DX

Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 3 terraced dwellings with frontage parking and rear garden.

The White Horse Public House 63 Dorking Road Epsom Surrey KT18 7JU

Demolition of single-storey rear extension and garage outbuildings. Change of use of public house to social activities centre for care staff and 2no flats for on-call care staff. Erection of two-storey office building and showroom (one storey below ground) with a glazed link to the existing building and associated parking and landscaping works.

Salesian College Sports Ground Old Schools Lane Ewell Surrey KT17 1TJ

Demolition of existing buildings. Erection of a part 2 /part 3 storey building to be used as a 60 unit Extra Care facility (Use Class C2) with associated communal and ancillary facilities, including car and cycle parking and landscaping. Re-laying of sports pitches including an all weather surface, the erection of a two storey pavilion and provision of associated car and cycle parking. Provision of altered access onto Old Schools Lane.

The Royal Automobile Country Club, Old Barn Road, Epsom KT18 7EW

A major redevelopment of Woodcote Park, including partial demolition of and amendments/additions to Listed Buildings and addition of extensive new facilities and parking, together with two new residences in Green Belt land.

The Combined Courts Site, Ashley Road, Epsom KT18 5AQ

Change of use of space allocated within Block A on Ashley Road for medical centre or offices to create 8 additional flats at ground and first floors (4 x 1-bed, 4 x 2-bed). Proposal involves substitution of door with a window on the rear elevation at ground floor level.

Ryebrook Studios Woodcote Side Epsom KT18 7HD

Demolition of single-storey former office building and the erection of a part two/part three-storey building, accommodating 14 self-contained flats, with 20 associated surface and lower ground floor level car parking spaces

Rear of 12 & 14 Grosvenor Road Epsom Surrey KT18 6JQ

Outline application (All matters reserved) for erection of a detached bungalow.