Brackenlee, Woodcote Side Epsom KT18 7HJ

Click here to see map for location of Brackenlee Woodcote Side Epsom KT18 7HJ

24/01508/FUL Demolition of existing single storey dwelling and construction of a three storey residential dwelling and basement with solar panels on the front and rear roof slopes.

Notwithstanding the description above, this application is actually for a four-storey building (3 floors plus a basement containing a snooker room, games room and cinema room) with 8 bedrooms on the upper two floors. Unsurprisingly, this involves a larger footprint than the current bungalow, and the design seems to imply potential use as a House of Multiple Occupation.

ECS has objected via the “Comments” facility on the EEBC Planning website as follows:-

“The proposed size of a new dwelling is at odds with its scale and massing in this suburban location.

It is of poor design, boxy and has no aesthetic design considerations.

Particularly objectionable is the rear elevation with its bulk and height which would be clearly visible and tower above 49 & 50 Oakmead Green (retirement bungalow properties) which is exacerbated by rising ground level of the application site. This would present an ugly utilitarian boxy building clearly too large and over domineering.

There is no reference about trees present on the site, this is an important consideration.

The block plan is poor and does not portray well the intended juxtaposition to neighboring properties.

The car parking proposed is not compliant with the policy standard.

The application fails to meet the requirements expected against policies of CS5, DM9, DM10 and should be refused.”