BP Woodcote Service Station 1 – 3 Dorking Road Epsom Surrey KT18 7JW


14/00037/MMA BP Woodcote Service Station

Minor material amendment to planning permission 04/00655/FUL (Re-development of existing petrol filling station) to provide additional single storey storage extension to south east elevation of proposed shop building extension.

A new application 13/01116/FUL was withdrawn earlier this year, probably in light of numerous objections including that from the Society. The owner is now seeking to amend the original 2004 application for the whole site, which was only partially implemented following approval. Despite categorising the application as a minor amendment, it proposes an extension for storage of 18.5 square meters in addition to the originally-planned larger shop.

The Society is concerned both about the size of the proposed new shop and at the principle of resurrecting a ten-year-old approval to circumvent local objections.

Our letter can be found here.