Click here to see map for location of Langley Bottom Farm House Langley Vale Road Epsom KT18 6AP
24/00568/FUL Two storey 4 bedroom detached dwelling with car port and associated landscaping following demolition of existing derelict farm house.
Using the “Comments” facility on the EEBC Planning website, the Society objected to the latest proposal as set out below:-
This comment is submitted on behalf of Epsom Civic Society.
The remnants of a former farm cottage that have lain derelict for decades have become blended into the landscape with vegetation and natural growth. The replacement with a large 5-bed housing unit is completely at variance with the former use and represents inappropriate development in the Green Belt that will be harmful and contrary to NPPF policy para 152.
To the NE of the farm track leading from Langley Vale Road there is an absolute open feel to the landscape, exactly what the Green Belt is for, to prevent urban sprawl.
There is a clear case that the proposals within the application are entirely inappropriate and at odds with National and Local policies.
Refusal is requested.
Posted: 27 June 2024 by ecs
Langley Bottom Farm, Langley Vale Road Epsom KT18 6AP
Click here to see map for location of Langley Bottom Farm House Langley Vale Road Epsom KT18 6AP
24/00568/FUL Two storey 4 bedroom detached dwelling with car port and associated landscaping following demolition of existing derelict farm house.
Using the “Comments” facility on the EEBC Planning website, the Society objected to the latest proposal as set out below:-
This comment is submitted on behalf of Epsom Civic Society.
The remnants of a former farm cottage that have lain derelict for decades have become blended into the landscape with vegetation and natural growth. The replacement with a large 5-bed housing unit is completely at variance with the former use and represents inappropriate development in the Green Belt that will be harmful and contrary to NPPF policy para 152.
To the NE of the farm track leading from Langley Vale Road there is an absolute open feel to the landscape, exactly what the Green Belt is for, to prevent urban sprawl.
There is a clear case that the proposals within the application are entirely inappropriate and at odds with National and Local policies.
Refusal is requested.
Category: Planning, Planning Applications
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