Click here to see map for location of 39 Manor Green Road.
20/00525/FUL Change of use of Gym/yoga studio, comprising a single-storey, 40m2 building into a residential dwelling. The only external works required will be some landscaping, the rest is internal.
This planning application is the latest in a line going back a decade of attempts seeking permission for backland development of a small dwelling in the garden of 39 Manor Green Road. The application to construct a gym/yoga room in 2018 was approved under the prevailing permitted development rights but is apparently only now under construction.
The Society is concerned that the current application may be seeking to circumvent the objections to all previous applications, and has objected on the grounds of inadequate exterior amenity space for both new and existing dwellings, the small size of the proposed new home, and overdevelopment of an inappropriate type for the locale.
The Society has therefore requested refusal of permission.
See our letter here.
Posted: 20 May 2020 by ecs
39 Manor Green Road Epsom KT19 8RN updated
Click here to see map for location of 39 Manor Green Road.
20/00525/FUL Change of use of Gym/yoga studio, comprising a single-storey, 40m2 building into a residential dwelling. The only external works required will be some landscaping, the rest is internal.
This planning application is the latest in a line going back a decade of attempts seeking permission for backland development of a small dwelling in the garden of 39 Manor Green Road. The application to construct a gym/yoga room in 2018 was approved under the prevailing permitted development rights but is apparently only now under construction.
The Society is concerned that the current application may be seeking to circumvent the objections to all previous applications, and has objected on the grounds of inadequate exterior amenity space for both new and existing dwellings, the small size of the proposed new home, and overdevelopment of an inappropriate type for the locale.
The Society has therefore requested refusal of permission.
See our letter here.
Category: Planning, Planning Applications
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