29-31 Waterloo Road Epsom KT19 8EX

Click here to see map for location of 29-31 Waterloo Road Epsom KT19 8EX

24/01323/OUT Outline planning application with landscaping matters reserved for 12 dwellings, including 7x two bedroom flats, 5 x one bedrooms flats and associated external works following demolition of the existing building.

This outline application is made despite approval on appeal in 2021 of an earlier, application and proposes filling almost the entire available plot with a plain triangular box structure with a flat roof providing 12 flats.

However, ECS considers this to be a marked retrograde step from the previously allowed scheme, and has objected via the “Comments” facility on the EEBC Planning website.

The Society’s objections to the proposal can be summarised as follows:-

  • The proposals are bland in its brick box flat roofed structure lacking architectural detail and has no design merit.
  • It is contrary to good design practice, fails to meet the design requirements of NPPF 131 and 133.
  • It fails to compliment the adjacent buildings which have architectural merit and pays no regard to its setting.
  • It fails on scale, massing and design grounds.

ECS therefore requested refusal of the application.