23 Beaconsfield Place Epsom KT17 4BD

Click here to see map for location of 23 Beaconsfield Place Epsom KT17 4BD

24/00564/FUL First floor rear extension and alterations to fenestration. Three storey, 3 bedroom detached dwelling adjacent to 23 Beaconsfield Place.

Using the “Comments” facility on the EEBC Planning website, the Society objected to the proposal as set out below:-

This comment is submitted on behalf of Epsom Civic Society.

The site is constrained and requires excavation into the embankment of road over railway, and should receive special consideration from SCC highways as to safety of engineering and technical aspects notwithstanding a response has been given from Planning of no safety comments.

The plans do not seem to align e.g. ground floor stated as plus 0.45m higher on new building but no levels on 1st and 2nd floors making eaves and ridge out of compatibility with existing said to align.

A roof pitch shown of 45deg is not suitable for a green roof as indicated.

The section drawing 077(P)032 is not through the new build but an elevation of the front making no judgement on levels.

Given that the site is in a CA, ECS concludes that the proposals are not practicable and deliverable and permission is not appropriate.